Robinson, Joan (1942). An Essay on Marxian Economics. London: Macmillan.Robinson, J., An Essay on Marxian Economics, London, 1942.ROBINSON, Joan. 1942. An Essay on Marxian Economics. London: Macmillan.Robinson, Joan. (1942). An essay on Marxian economics. London: MacMillian & CO, Limited...
In this essay historical origins are discussed first; it then deals with approaches to fundamentals issues political economists have tackled since the Physiocrats and Adam Smith theories of value, distribution, price-setting, accumulation, growth and the cycle, and the role of money and financial ...
In this essay historical origins are discussed first; it then deals with approaches to fundamentals issues political economists have tackled since thePhysiocratsand AdamSmith theories of value, distribution, price-setting, accumulation, growth and the cycle, and the role of money and financial interm...
An Essay on Marxian Economics. 2nd ed. London: Macmillan.ROBINSON, Joan (1941), An Essay on Marxian Economics, Londres : Macmillan ; trad. fr., Essai sur l'economie de Marx, Paris : Dunod, 1971.Robinson, Joan (1947). An Essay on Marxian Economics. London, England: MacMillan....