Results obtained with the count of blast cells, usually available in automated blood cell counters at least as a research tool or option, will be described. Show moreView article Related terms: Erythropoietin Hepcidin Erythropoiesis Macrophage Erythroid Cell Yolk Sac Precursor Erythrocyte Reticulocyte ...
Show moreView chapterExplore book Red Blood Cells, Physical Properties of A. Bifone, in Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics, 2005 Introduction Erythrocytes (also known as red blood cells) are highly specialized cells whose primary function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues,...
HAI measures the antibody-mediated inhibition of erythrocyte agglutination caused by HA binding to sialic acids on the erythrocyte surface. As such, the assay only detects antibodies directed at the HA head domain where its receptor binding site is located. Universal vaccine strategies based on ...
Studies have shown that hnRNPA0 is located within the commonly deleted segment of 5q31.2 in myeloid neoplasms (MNs) with a del(5q). It is highly expressed in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) common-myeloid progenitors (CMPs) and megakaryocyte-erythrocyte progenitors (MEPs) and suppressed as ...
(VSAs) that are expressed by the infected erythrocyte (reviewed in ref.193). Expression of the VSA gene familyvarvaries over the course of an infection.varencodes ~60 erythrocyte surface proteins annotatedP. falciparumerythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), which are responsible for adhesion to...
Erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase is recommended as a standard laboratory based assessment of OP exposure. It was found that AChE activity is more inhibited by various types of OPs than PChE due to AChE having a slower recovery rate [19,20,21]. Hence measurement of AChE for identification of ...
Rhubarb, a well-known natural medicine, possesses various pharmacological properties such as diuretic, nephroprotective, lipid lowering, purgative and anti-inflammatory activities2,3,4. Rhubarb is officially listed in Chinese, Japanese and European Pharmacopoeias. Clinically, rhubarb is commonly used as...
Mild increases (< 3× ULN) were seen more commonly on atabecestat than on placebo. Only 1 participant had an increase in ALT > 3× ULN while receiving placebo, due to acute cholecystitis. A total of 12 participants had an increase in ALT > 3× ULN while receiving atabecestat,...
Erythropoiesisis defined as the process of erythrocyte formation that occurs under normal conditions in the adult bone marrow frompluripotent stem cellsand is regulated by a negative feedback loop oftissue oxygenationand EPO synthesis. Colony-forming buds and forming units mature toproerythroblasts, th...
However, as more has been gleaned from human studies either by in vitro assessment or by observing effects after clinical trials, it is very clear that there are significant differences between the species that need to be taken into consideration before extrapolating mouse data to humans. First ...