按照错误提示,打开https://packagecontrol.io/installation后找到解决办法: 上面是官方解决方案,简单翻译下: 1.点击菜单栏中的Preferences > Browse Packages。 2.在打开的文件夹的上一级文件夹中找到Installed Packages文件夹。 3.点击Package Control.sublime-package下载Package Control扩展包,然后放到2中打开的Installed...
2.在打开的文件夹的上一级文件夹中找到Installed Packages文件夹。 3.点击Package Control.sublime-package下载Package Control扩展包,然后放到2中打开的Installed Packages文件夹内。 4.重启Sublime Text。 重启后就可以正常使用Package Control来安装扩展包了。
Package Control: Error downloading package. HTTP exception InvalidCertificateException (Host codeload.github.com returned an invalid certificate ([SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:548))) downloading https...
Before an app can be selected as an alarm app, the app manifest must be properly configured. If the manifest doesn’t include the required features, then attempting to set the app as the alarm app in code will generate an error and the user won’t have the option to set the ...
An error has occurred, Not all of the updates were successfully uninstalled If you see this error message, it means that the uninstall process failed, so you’ll need to take action manually. In this article, we have provided you with some simple and quick fixes that will help you resolve...
Adding the packages needed to control Azure Containers and send messages to your ServiceBus Queue just requires you to give the following commands from the package manager: XML Copy Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent -Project OvaryVisFnApp -Version 1.14....
Hi customer, may I ask if you can install VS now? Did you check the security setting of this folder “D:\Visual Studio 2022” and disable the antivirus software? If the error persists, could you please give us a setup log file so that we can conduct further research? You are able...
An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT,version="9.0.30729.1",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",processorArchitecture="x86",type="win32"'. Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x80070BC9. assembly interface: IAssemblyCacheItem, ...
In Control Panel, selectUser Accounts. ClickManage User Accounts. On theUserstab, underUsers for this computer, click the temporary user account name. ClickRemove. In theUser Accountsdialog box, clickYes, and then clickOK Install Office 2010 Professional Plus from the network installation point ...
Error Handling and Status Messages The following errors are currently used by OSPRay: NameDescription OSP_NO_ERROR no error occurred OSP_UNKNOWN_ERROR an unknown error occurred OSP_INVALID_ARGUMENT an invalid argument was specified OSP_INVALID_OPERATION the operation is not allowed for the specified ...