sql文件导入错误,There was an error while executing a query. The query and the error message has been logged at: C:\U x.sql转储文件导入异常。 之前成功导入过,再次导入异常。 1修改my.ini文件,2修改sql文件编码。都不适用。 解决方法:新建数据库,再次导入成功。注意编码。
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query " -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result ..." failed with the following error: "An error occurred while extracting the result into a variable of type (DBTYPE_STR)". Possible failure reasons: Pro///* Can anyone tell me h...
业务需要在win7 32 操作系统上安装postgresql,去官网下了安装包。 在安装的时候,安装vs2013 运行时环境失败,报错“An error occurred executing the Microsoft C++ runtime installer”。 搜索出来的博客可以在命令行运行, postgresql-xxx-windows.exe --install_runtimes 0, 可是仍然报错。 随后想可以自己安装vs相关...
https://developer.aliyun.com/profile/5yerqm5bn5yqg?spm=a2c6h.12873639.0.0.6eae304abcjaIB ...
Describe the bug The database reported an error while executing the mysql-schema.sql file Expected behavior There should be no error when running sql files Actually behavior Two errors were reported while executing the sql file Desktop (...
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) TCP Provider: The specified network name is no longer available. Client unabe to establish connection because an error was encountered during handshakes before login. Common causes include client...
org.opencms.db.CmsDbSqlException: An SQL error occurred when executing the following query: . at org.opencms.db.generic.CmsVfsDriver.readResource(CmsVfsDriver.java:1942) at org.opencms.db.CmsDriverManager.readResource(CmsDriverManager.java:6462) ...
The error occurred while executing an update SQL: replace into,目前这个问题的出现,是因为博主在项目当中使用了replaceinto,如上的解决方案,博主是去单纯是借鉴一下,问题可能不是如上所说的一模一样,可能存在其他一些情况,欢迎大家指出?
检查安装日志文件all.log,err.log发现异常信息: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Access denied for user 'xietong'@'' to database 'mysql' java.sql.SQLException: Could not retrieve transaction read-only status from server ...
"An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown." The GUI is also slower than 2008R2 when doing restores - yes I can code but sometimes its just nice to be lazy and use the ...