aThe first equilibrium (Point A) is a stable steady-state equilibrium. It is a situation of low income and high population growth, indicating that the country is in a poverty trap. The second equilibrium (Point B) is an unstable steady-state equilibrium. It is a situation of medium income...
aIn stoichiometry calculations,the reactions are assumed to run to compietion.In fact,however,many reactions do not go to completion but rather approach an equilibrium state in which both reactants and products are present.In a chemical process,chemical equilibrium is the state in which the ...
A two-layer colloidal system is constructed to study the effects of the external force F on the non-equilibrium steady-state (NESS) dynamics of the diffusing particles over a tilted periodic potential, in which detailed balance is broken... X Ma,PY Lai,B Ackerson,... - Aps Meeting 被引...
(a) State the conditions necessary for an object to be in static equilibrium.***...2](b) A block of mass 3.50 kg is placed on a rough slope, which is inclined at 30° to the horizontal, as shown in Fig. 9.1 below. The block is in equilibrium.30Fig.9.1(i) On Fig. 9.1, draw...
Since equilibrium states out of contact mean that the model is reduced to a classical nonlinear dynamical system, this study focuses on equilibrium states in contact, which obviously implies some bounds on the external force (Ft, Fn). More precisely, inserting un≡ 0 into equations [6.1(i) ...
The principle of increasing entropy (PIE) is commonly considered as a universal physical law for natural systems. It also means that a non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) must not appear in any isolated natural systems. Here we experimentally investigate an isolated human social system with a clu...
is Yin 第 5 题 判断题 (1分) The yin and yang aspects within an object are not in a static state, but in the process of change. This principle is called equilibrium and waning-waxing of Yin and Yang. Exercise 第 1 题 填空题 (6 分) According to Yin-yang theory, the exterior of ...
1.4. Depending on the game, one type of Nash equilibrium can be more appropriate than others. For instance, the following considerations can be made: a pure Nash equilibrium is a special case of a mixed Nash equilibrium, which is itself a special case of a correlated equilibrium. Correlated ...
different treatmentinorder to attain a result which establishesan equilibriumbetween different situations. 法律上的平等排除任何种类的歧视,而要实现事实上的平等,可能必 须实行不同待遇,才能达到在不同情况之间取得平衡的结果。
Equilibrium desorption model We focus first on a prediction for the equilibrium TDS. Ground coffee contains hundreds of individual chemical species, all of which have a unique solubility: some species are highly soluble and will completely dissolve, while others are weakly soluble and will hardly dis...