(1930), furtherestablishedhimasasuccessfulnovelist. However,somecriticswerelessthancomplimentary abouthiswork,andPriestleybeganlegalactionagainst GrahamGreeneforwhathetooktobeadefamatory portraitofhiminthenovelStamboulTrain(1932). •In1934hepublishedthetravelogueEnglishJourney, whichisanaccountofwhathesawandheard...
J.B. Priestley was one of PEN’s earliest members. The Yorkshire novelist and playwright also served as one of the first Presidents of English PEN, from 1937-1938 but he was often very ambivalent about PEN and his role in the organisation. ...
In terms of policy applications, these results provide support for the potential health benefits of efforts to improve equitable access to high quality environments, such as the English Coast Path (https://englandcoastpath.co.uk/) and the creation of beaches in Barcelona with the Olympic project ...
1784 Private laboratory, Great Marlborough Street, London Cavendish,16 hearing about recent experiments on oxyhydrogen explosions performed by Warltire (1776) and Priestley (1781), resumes his own investigations on this subject (Cavendish →1760s), resulting in his famous paper on the synthesis of...
Robert Turner’s, Botanologia the Brittish physician, or, the nature and vertues of English plants advocated anointing feet with the herbs ‘ladies bedstraw or gallium’ before they undertook a journey. There was even a term for this: to ‘surbate’ was to ‘batter the feet with long ...
【?!】 californicate 分享回复赞 儒家吧 Jh百科 Antoine LavoisierJoseph Priestley 1733–1804 English Philosopher, theologian, and chemist. Fran?ois Quesnay 1694–1774 French Economist of the Physiocratic school. Alexander Radishchev 1749–1802 Russian Writer and philosopher. Brought the ... 分享回复...
However, some critics were less than complimentary about his work, and Priestley began legal action against Graham Greene for what he took to be a defamatory portrait of him in the novel Stamboul Train (1932). In 1934 he published the travelogue English Journey, which is an account of what ...