PEOPLE -- A play in five acts by Henrik Ibsen 1 AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE ACT I (SCENE.--DR. STOCKMANN'S sitting-room. It is evening. The room is plainly but neatly appointed and furnished. In the right-hand wall are two doors; the farther leads out to the hall, the nearer to the...
【生活常识教科书】AN_ENEMY_OF_THE_PEOPLE(人民公敌).pdf,更多好书请点击 AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE -- A play in five acts by Henrik Ibsen 1 更多好书请点击 AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE ACT I (SCENE.--DR. STOCKMANNS sitting-room. It is evening.
An Enemy of the People 2024 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ "The thing is, you see, that the strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone." 评分☆☆☆ 外教让读的 学的最重要的一点就是 多数人的民主不一定民主 少数人的民主不一定独裁 真理到底是掌握在少数人手里 我们怎么...
内容提示: AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE1AN ENEMY OF THEPEOPLE-- A play in five actsby Henrik Ibsen 文档格式:PDF | 页数:94 | 浏览次数:102 | 上传日期:2013-07-10 18:33:34 | 文档星级: AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE1AN ENEMY OF THEPEOPLE-- A play in five actsby Henrik Ibsen ...
anenemyofthepeople40人民公敌41 系统标签: enemyhovstad公敌peoplepeterbaths ANENEMYOFTHEPEOPLE1ANENEMYOFTHEPEOPLE--AplayinfiveactsbyHenrikIbsenANENEMYOFTHEPEOPLE2ACTI(SCENE.--DR.STOCKMANN'Ssitting-room.Itisevening.Theroomisplainlybutneatlyappointedandfurnished.Intheright-handwallaretwodoors;thefartherleads...
An Enemy of the People 这个剧真的出乎意料的好看,因为play真的太容易踩雷了。。所以哪怕是上了百老汇的戏剧我都谨慎购买。Enemy不愧是易卜生的原作,剧情太扎实了,矛盾冲突的逻辑都落到实处,而且改写得也好...
When his brother conspires with local politicians and the newspaper to suppress the story, Stockmann appeals to a public meeting - only to be shouted down and reviled as 'an enemy of the people'. Ibsen's explosive play reveals his distrust of politicians and the blindly held beliefs of the...
今日打卡:An enemy of the people & Cabaret 此刻,ny回bos的红眼bus正在路上前进…我因为太激动了无法入睡,激情码字repo~ 下午的an enemy of the people和我本身的期待比,不低也不高。水源出了问题的小镇,...
Radella’s Lifebraid (Chest):Each time Strafe deals damage to an enemy, its damage against that enemy is increased by X% up to Y% for up to Z seconds. Sjikar (Off-Hand):Strafe now fires piercing shots at nearby enemies. Monk
LISTEN (text to speech) Download as PDF ... Theodore Roosevelt stated October 24, 1903: "In no other place and at no other time has the experiment of government of the people, by the people, for the people, been tried on so vast a scale as here in ou