剧情简介 A modern day adaptation of the stories of Barabbas, Blind Bartimaeus and The Woman with the issue of blood. 演职人员 全部 导演 Deon Gibson 演员 Will Cruz 饰:Perez,(as William Cruz) Tiffany Edwards 饰:Megan,(as Tiffany Edwards) ...
An Encounter with the Messiah 剧情 Will Cruz /Tiffany Edwards /Yavette Green 2015-04-05美国上映 / 124分钟 看过 简介 A modern day adaptation of the stories of Barabbas, Blind Bartimaeus and The Woman with the issue of blood.
An Encounter with the Messiah, DVDDeon GibsonDavid KoepfingerKibwe Dorsey
Handel“Messiah",an Areth a Franklin song Enlightenment Now, by Steven Pinker (Viking). Thi passionate defense of the Enlightenment ideals of scientific rationalism and secular humanism argues that human progress is a measurable fact and that the current moment is the best ever. Undernourishment, ...
Acts 2:32 — The message that the apostle Peter preached on the day of Pentecost was the message of salvation in Jesus Christ, the crucified Messiah. He did not try to preach what he thought his audience wanted to hear, but he proclaimed Christ Jesus as Savior who died for the sins of...
This malady calls for Tikkun Olam – repairing the broken world which Jewish tradition believe will hasten the advent of the Messiah (2 Peter 3:12). Stern proposed an Olive Tree Theology based on Romans 9 – 11 to explain that Israel is an olive tree whose branches God has cut off ...
I seem to recall only one question posed to me—one that was thoroughly my own: “Did the Messiah come before my death?” (Of course he hadn’t. I was just one of billions who had lived and died without the coming of the Messiah. Surely he knew this.) ...
This morning, we are reminded in our Gospel passage of another mountaintop encounter with God. The Gospel author tells us that about eight days after Peter had acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah, Jesus and a small group of his closest friends and disciples had slipped away from the crowd...
without arresting Jesus because they have been impressed by his words. Even more than this, some among the crowds are considering the possibility that Jesus is the Messiah. The chief priests and the Pharisees change their plan. Before making an arrest, they seek to gather more evidence against...
Even Jesus needed heavenly affirmation. Before stepping into His destiny as Messiah, God spoke these momentous words over him:“This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”(Mat 3:17). These words fortified him to go toe-to-toe with the Devil who mercilessly tempted him for the ...