This is a review of the geometry of quantum states using elementary methods and pictures. Quantum states are represented by a convex body, often in high dimensions. In the case of n qubits, the dimension is exponentially large in n . The space of states can be visualized, to some extent,...
Several attempts to generalize neurons to the quantum regime have been proposed, but all proposals collided with the difficulty of implementing non-linear activation functions, which is essential for classical neurons, due to the linear nature of quantum mechanics. Here we propose a solution to this...
Bell’s theorem, a landmark result in the foundations of physics, establishes that quantum mechanics is a non-local theory. It asserts, in particular, that two spatially separated, but entangled, quantum systems can be correlated in a way that cannot be
I consider, in a Quantum Field Theory theoretical approach, the effects of an electromagnetic field on the components of the total angular momentum of an elementary fermion system, assuming the "minimal" form of the relative interaction. When the electromagnetic field can be treated as a classical...
A Quantum Mechanical System is defined as an isolated system that can be completely characterized by a state vector in a Hilbert space, where its time evolution is described by a unitary transformation and only certain sets of measurements can be done at any one time, leading to the collapse ...
Trigonometry appears at first glance to be predominantly visuospatial in nature: Standard definitions of the three elementary trigonometric functions are usually given in terms of ratios of lengths of sides of right triangles, which can be drawn on paper or even constructed out of wood. Yet, an ...
elementary operations used by an algorithm. In the case of quantum computation, this can be measured using the quantum circuit model, where a quantum circuit is a sequence of elementary quantum operations called quantum gates, each applied to a small number of qubits (quantum bits). To compare...
Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers 《Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers》相当不错 上传者:w1005444804时间:2012-11-19 Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View 上传者:u013704543时间:2017-08-06...
The elementary theory of dispersion in material media was sketched in Section, where the electromagnetic field was treated classically and the atomic electrons were regarded as a system of classical harmonic oscillators. In reality the electrons constitute a quantum mechanical system, where the...
In the field of quantum biology, there has been some interest in the application of the mechanism to biological systems. This paper takes an open quantum systems approach to a model of the radical pair mechanism in order to derive a master equation in the Born-Markov approximation for the ...