Stabilizing an Unstable Economy 作者:Hyman Minsky 出版社:McGraw-Hill Education 出版年:2008-5-5 页数:350 定价:USD 40.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780071592994 豆瓣评分 9.5 30人评价 5星 46.7% 4星 33.3% 3星 16.7% 2星 3.3% 1星 0.0% 评价:
rail and road transport, the harbors. The area of dependency has widened to include removing rubbish, hospital and ambulance services, and, as the economy develops, central computer and information services as well. If any of these services ceases to operate, the whole economic system is in dan...
T he areaof dependency has widened to include removing rubbish, hospital and ambulance services, and, as the economy develops, central computerand information services as well. If any of these services ceases to operate, the whole economic system is in danger.It is this economic interdependency ...
Entrepreneurship is one of the main pillars of growth in any economy. Achieving a high rate of entrepreneurship in a region has become the priority objecti
By Eq. (19), under complete markets Dt is identically equal to one regardless of the shocks hitting the economy. With incomplete markets, Dt will generally fluctuate inefficiently contingent on shocks.11 Because of inefficient relative prices and cross-country demand fluctuations, we will see next...
stability, protects investors, and mitigates the effects of financial failures on the real economy. Financial regulation can also be used to improve market transparency and to protect investors. However, financial regulation also imposes a variety of costs on regulated firms and the economy:...
So very often in these debates, it comes down to one party claiming the other’s plan to solve XYZ problem is inefficient, and the other party claiming the first guy just doesn’t want to do anything about XYZ problem. Because he doesn’tcare,see. ...
aBy cultivating industries with competitive advantage on world markets, and importing goods that were inefficient to domestically create—mostly capital and skill-intensive products—an economy can maintain an advantageous balance of trade. 通过培养产业以竞争优势在世界市场上和进口是效率低国内创造主要的物品...
If this symmetry is provided, it is AD –BC = 1 and the system is balanced. 2.1.2 Short transmission line When the length of a power transmission line is less than 80 km and the line voltage is less than 20 kV, it is generally considered to be a short transmission line. Because of...
There is a great amount of literature about the problem of measuring the firms relative technical efficiency. Indeed, productivity is a key factor in the determination of many fundamental variables in the economy, among which prices and wages. In a competitive market context, inefficient firms are...