The concept of Average Path Length is significant in various applications such as social networks, where it highlights the degree of separation between individuals. AI generated definition based on: Automating Open Source Intelligence, 2016 About this pageSet alert Discover other topics...
The specialisation of mammalian cells in time and space requires genes associated with specific pathways and functions to be co-ordinately expressed. Here we have combined a large number of publically available microarray datasets derived from human prim
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder involving both upper motor neurons (UMN) and lower motor neurons (LMN). Enormous research has been done in the past few decades in unveiling the genetics of ALS, successfully
estimating a “gene activity matrix,” and then identify “anchors” between this synthetic data and scRNA-seq data through aligning them in a low-dimensional space. The gene activity matrix is created by simply summing all counts within the gene body +2 kb upstream. Such strategy may introd...
(4) Recreovía facebook friendship network: an online friendship network of stakeholders in a physical activity program in Colombia. This program aims to promote physical activity, health habits, and social equity through musicalized and directed group classes in Bogota, Colombia37. In this network...
Bae IK, Lee YN, Lee WG, Lee SH, Jeong SH: Novel complex class 1 integron bearing an ISCR1 element in an Escherichia coli isolate carrying the blaCTX-M-14 gene. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2007, 51: 3017-3019. 10.1128/AAC.00279-07. Article PubMed CAS PubMed Central Google Scholar ...
‘formerly popular technologies like email and blogging are slowly being usurped by Twitter and Facebook’. In addition, Bell (2022) stated that the literature on EAP ‘has been concerned with the “what” of EAP, i.e. its content, rather than the “how”, i.e., its teaching approaches...
In situ hybridization (ISH) is a powerful method for visualizing gene expression patterns at the organismal level with cellular resolution. When automated, it is capable of determining the expression of a large number of genes. The expression patterns of
I really appreciate Korean culture and want to see the more traditional things when I go back. If we have guests, we will take them to theKorea Furniture Museum, which is set in a traditional house up in the hills with a wonderful view over Seoul. You have to book, and then they wil...
The spleen is a secondary lymphoid organ which can influence the progression of multiple diseases, notably liver cirrhosis. In chronic liver diseases, splenomegaly and hypersplenism can manifest following the development of portal hypertension. These splenic abnormalities correlate with and have been postu...