(Shelton et al., 2012). However, electron microscopic examination of nerve and muscle specimens revealed that there did not appear to be a loss of physical contact between the motor nerve terminals and theintercostal musclefibers. Unlike in the SOD1transgenicmousemodels (Frey et al., 2000; ...
Directed differentiation of iPSCs derived from DMD patients to muscle stem cells would not solve this problem because these cells would still carry the mutated gene. To be useful, iPSC-derived or endogenous autogeneic muscle stem cells would have to be genetically modified to express a dystrophin...
Trichinellaspp. is a nematode parasite with a worldwide distribution, commonly infecting domestic and wild pigs, as well as other wild animals [210]. The larvae encyst in striated muscle and are liberated by gastric juices in humans eating undercooked pork, especially in temperate climes. The f...
Muscle size is a determinant of muscle strength. Post-operative quadriceps muscle atrophy is inevitable, but muscle strength should be regained through rehabilitation. As the patient continues to exercise during rehabilitation, the atrophic response subsides and the strengthening training stimulates ...
present with single or multiple multifocal lesions involving the macula along with retinal pigment epithelium disturbances. Chorioretinitis may evolve into atrophic perifoveal pigmentary scars (nummular scars). There may be associated choroidal thickening and evidence of neuroretinitis or papillitis [118,...
Keywords: HMGB1;IL-18;inflammation;myogenesis;skeletal muscle atrophy
AdipoR2 null mice demonstrated atrophic seminiferous tubules with aspermia (lack of semen) and enlarged brains, but displayed normal testosterone levels; whether these testicular defects reflect central or peripheral responses to the loss of AdipoR2 signalling remains unknown [91]. Expression of ...
—Estroprogesterone (oral contraceptive pill) is used for both oral contraception and treatment of dysmenorrhea. Estroprogesterone administration can result in a myometrium that may appear swollen and globular with high signal intensity, whereas the endometrium can become atrophic due to smooth muscle ...
The genome of Helicobacter pylori, an oncogenic bacterium in the human stomach, rapidly evolves and shows wide geographical divergence. The high incidence of stomach cancer in East Asia might be related to bacterial genotype. We used newly developed comp
Together, these results suggest that application of a collagen-based matrix has the potential to augment skeletal muscle regeneration and that its regenerative abilities may be more successful for treating necrotic, but not atrophic muscle.Drew Kuraitis...