aUS Policy in Central Asia: Balancing Priorities (Part II). Hearing before the Sub-Committee on the Middle East Central Asia of the Committee on International Relations.House of Representatives.Washington., 美国政策在中亚: 平衡的优先权 (第II部分)。 听力在分会之前在中东中亚委员会在Representatives....
1 Before you put forward an argument you should collect facts ___ your viewpoint. A. which to base on B. with which to support C. with which to base D. which to support on 2 Before you put forward an argument, you should collect facts ___ your viewpoint. A. which to base on...
Facts. A letter or message sent by fax. Occasion knowledge. Sometimes, but not often. Target. Something that you're trying to achieve, such as a total amount of time. Fixed. To decide on date time amount. It's easy for something. Hide office, the main office of a company. Listen to...
1) to rest an argument on facts 以事实作为论据2) taking facts as the basis 以事实为根据 1. Dissenters suggest replacing the principle of taking facts as the basis with the" Principle of taking the law as criterion" . 针对当今有人对“以事实为根据”原则的质疑和有人提出以“以证据为...
The Facts about Truthmaking: An Argument for Truthmaker Necessitarianismdoi:10.3998/ERGO.12405314.0003.018Jamin AsayMichigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library
The purpose of theexpository essayis to explain a topic in a logical and straightforward manner. Without bells and whistles, these essays present a fair and balanced analysis of a subject based on facts—with no references to the writer's opinions or emotions....
Usually, it is bad argumentation to give more weight to components of an argument, because we like the result. A very bad example can often be seen in politics, where people deny facts to embellish their favorite political monstrosity (Hitler and Auschwitz, Stalin and the Gulag, BenLaden and...
Let's say an investor purchases a stock based on the investment thesis that the stock isundervalued. The thesis states that the investor plans to hold the stock for three years, during which its price will rise to reflect its true worth. At that point, the stock will be sold at a profi...
The counterclaim is the opposite argument which the author addresses in order provide a rebuttal. The reasoning is the logic used to prove a claim. The evidence is the facts, data, and quoted experts used to provide support for the reasoning. What is an example of a counterclaim? A ...
Robert Nola has recently defended an argument against the existence of God on the basis of naturalistic explanations of religious belief. I will critically evaluate his argument in this paper. Nola’s argument takes the form of an inference to the best explanation: since the naturalistic stance of...