B Mark Zuckerberg, is an American computer programmer, CEO,and founder of Facebook. His net worth is about US$58.6 billion,making him become the fifth richest person in the worl d. On December 1st, 2015, he and his wife announced that they would give 99 percent of their Facebook shares...
35.B .主旨大意题.根据文中"Mark Zuckerber g, is an American computer programmer , C EO,and founder of Facebook"可知,本文介绍 的扎克伯格(美国程序员、 “脸书"首席执行官和创 始人),故选B.本文是一篇名人传记,介绍的是美国程序员、"脸书"创始人兼首席执行官扎克伯格.文章介绍了他的生平、教育背景、...
Mark Zuckerberg, is an American computer programmer, CEO, and founder of Facebook. His net worth is about US$58.6 billion, ranking him the fifth richest person in the world. On December 1st , 2015, he and his wife announced that they would give 99 percent of their Facebook shares to th...
【推荐1】Mark Zuckerberg, is an American computer programmer, CEO, and founder of Facebook. His net worth is about US$58.6 billion, ranking him the fifth richest person in the world. On December 1st , 2015, he and his wife announced that they would give 99 percent of their Facebook sha...
Within a few years of its development, ASCII was accepted by all major computer manufacturers, although some continue to support their own coding schemes as well. ASCII was designed for American English, and does not support some of the characters that are used by non-English languages. For ...
Mark Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer, CEO, and founder of Facebook. His net worth is about US$58.6 billion, ranking him the fifth richest person in the world. On December 1st, 2015, he and his wife announced that they would give 99 percent of their Facebook shares to the ...
【题目】Mark Zuckerberg(born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer.He is best wellknownas one of five founders and the CEO of the social networking website, Facebook.He is only 31, yet Mark Zuckerberg is alreadyone of the richest and most successful peoplein the world. T ime...
In this C++ example, we declare a 2D array named matrix of size 3×3, which can hold integers. The elements of the 2D array are initialized in the nested curly braces. After declaring the array, we use nested for loops to iterate over the elements. The outer loop iterates over the ro...
If this happens, you’ll see your IDE open a new code file, and the arrow marker will move to the top of a function named operator<< (this is part of the standard library). Close the code file that just opened, then find and executestep outdebug command (instructions are below under...
Katherine Johnson, 1918–2020 Creola Katherine Johnson was a mathematician and computer scientist and one of the first African American women to work at NASA. At 18 years old, she graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and French from West Virginia University. When ...