The analysis of the allocation of the LIHTC to these properties resulted in the following conclusions: (1) The LIHTC does not provide enough subsidy by itself to encourage low-income rental housing development in all areas of the country even after the amendments made by subsequent legislation. ...
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a Difficult Development Area (DDA) whose poverty rate is below 10 percent (for metropolitan DDAs) and below 15 percent (for non-metropolitan DDAs); or an area designated by a state or local Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) as a high opportunity ...
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program has attempted to bolster the development of affordable rental housing for low-income households through the allocation of tax credits. Both non-profit and for-profit entities participate in the LIHTC program as developers. State agencies that ...
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program has attempted to bolster the development of affordable rental housing for low-income households through the allocation of tax credits. Both non-profit and for-profit entities participate in the LIHTC program as developers. State agencies that ...
For example, Goldewijk (2001) assumed that there should always be some agricultural activities where people are living (especially in the past), and therefore, he used population density as an acceptable proxy for the allocation of cropland and pasture when estimating global land-use change over...
It informs that housing authority used state powers to commission a community housing inventory. It also mentions that the City utilized CDBG and CHIP funds, grant allocation for housing assistance, for revitalization program.EVANSKELLY S.Journal of Housing & Community Development...
The article discusses the legal implications of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program for the U.S. The role of the Qualified Allocation Plan under the LIHTC program is reviewed, the impact of the Federal Fair Housing Act on several QAP is explored and the issue of race-based ...
government's proposed dividend tax cuts as of March 1, 2003. Impact of the proposal on the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit groups environment; Views of Bart Harvey, chairman of the Enterprise Foundation, on the effects of the tax plan; Increase in the state allocation ceiling for housing tax ...
State-by-state program for convincing the benefits of internet access for residents in disadvantaged communities; Change in the state's allocation program for low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC) and other financing tools; Benefit for building owners and technology companies through untapped market ...
Reports on the settlement of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)Qualified Allocation Plan litigation of the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency. Dismissal of the challenges to the nine 2002 LIHTC; Provisions of the Fair Housing Act; Assessment of the maximum allocation of tax ...