Thus, the sequence of fracturing a particular formation typically consists of (1) an acid stage, (2) a pad stage, (3) a prop sequence stage, and (4) a flushing stage. The acid stage consists of several thousand gallons of water mixed with a dilute acid, such as hydrochloric or ...
More than 90% of the Ni and Co in laterite ores (1.0–1.6% nickel) can be leached by sulfuric acid at ≥240 °C and 0.2–1.1 MPa, typically producing relatively dilute leach solutions containing 3–6 g L−1 of nickel and around 40 g L−1 H2SO4.98 The processes are relatively ...
For mass spectrometry, reactions were further washed twice with 1 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4 and eluted in 20% (v/v) TFE (2,2,2- Trifluroethanol) in 0.1% formic acid pH 2.4. After separation of eluate from agarose beads, the pH was neutralized with TEAB (tetraethylammonium bromide) and 5 ...
(e.g., dietary exposure, direct exposure; Sofyan et al.2009). Even though the environmental impacts of elevated salinity and dissolved solids have not been studied as intensively as acid drainage in mine water research, they constitute an important and potentially critical component in mine water...
A single study correlated the effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on the response of the carbonic anhydrase enzyme (Souza-Bastos and Freire, 2011), which is of great importance for vital processes, such as respiratory processes and acid–base balance, which are known to be altered by oil and ...
by chance become fixed in the population long enough to be observed. Different regions of the genome vary in the extent of mutation that can be tolerated depending upon whether the function of the encoded protein depends upon specificamino acidresidues or more general biochemical characteristics. ...
(or negative) charge buildup at the interface of the electrode and electrolyte solution is partially neutralized by the gathering of counterions in the solution through the action of Coulomb's force, resulting in a structured electric double layer. The electric double layer consists of two layers...
Initially, lack of Negri body formation in experimentally infected mice and an inability of the virus to be neutralized by rabies immune serum led researchers to disregard its relationship to RABV (Boulger and Porterfield, 1958). However, in 1970, reactivity in complement fixation and virus ...
In partialrebreathingand nonrebreathing systems, carbon dioxide is vented to room air. When a closed system is used, however, the exhaled carbon dioxide must be otherwise removed. Carbon dioxide in the presence of water is hydrated to form carbonic acid. When carbonic acid reacts with a metal...
ozonation may be followed by a post-oxidation using an oxidizing agent. The oxidizing agent used for the post-oxidation is not specifically limited, but may include chlorine compounds such as chlorine dioxide and sodium chlorite; and oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, persulfuric acid, peracetic acid and ...