In subject area: Neuroscience An achromatic lens is a type of lens that is designed to minimize chromatic aberration, ensuring that light passing through it is focused without causing color distortions. AI generated definition based on: Methods in Enzymology, 2012 About this pageSet alert ...
anachromatic lens 词条 anachromatic lens 专业释义 <摄影>非消色差镜头 词条提问
An achromatic X-ray lens Article Open access 14 March 2022 References Adams, C. S., Sigel, M. & Mlynek, J. Phys. Rep. 240, 143–210 (1994). Article ADS CAS Google Scholar Friedburg, H. & Paul, W. Naturwissenschaften 38, 159–160 (1951). Article ADS Google Scholar Friedburg,...
Usually, the natural pupil is well aligned with respect to the achromatic axis (Rynders et al., 1995), so that transverse chromatic aberration does not typically reduce image quality in the fovea. However, a lateral shift of the pupil of only one millimeter would be expected to smear the ...
The present invention relates to a method for making an achromatic lens. The invention provides a method for making a lens that makes use of the differences in the index of refraction of ZnSe and ZnS in the mm-wave and IR wavebands to minimize the differences in focal position between the...
The ps beam and fs beam were collimated and magnified by a pair of achromatic doublets to match the 3 mm Galvo XY-scan mirror (6215H, Cambridge Technology). The Galvo mirror and the rear pupil of the objective lens (XLPLN25XSVMP2, 25×/1.05 NA, 2-mm working distance, Olympus) ...
and you will get the following ray histograms: Finally, it is possible to obtain the chromatic aberrations for compound lenses (achromatic doublets from Thorlabs and Edmund optics, and singlet lens because the materials are known). The following command will give you the focal shift as a function...
Because Iamusing something off the shelf: Edmund Optics' SKU 70-163. 128 mm diameter x 1900 mm focal length precision achromatic doublet, f/15. For reasons I could not resolve, I wasn't allowed to paste the link in my initial post, but I'll try again:https://www.edmundop...c-le...
If gamma-ray bursts are at cosmological distances, they must be gravitationally lensed occasionally1,2. The detection of lensed images with millisecond-to-second time delays provides evidence for intermediate-mass black holes, a population that has been
Such systems are achromatic (the spot position is independent of the incident energy) and provide a long working distance. They are quite popular for X-ray absorption spectrometry applications (see further), as the beam position remains fixed while scanning over a specific edge. Show moreView ...