ICD10E85,E85.9 SnomedCT190931005,154769007,17602002 EnglishAmyloidoses,AMYLOIDOSIS,Amyloidosis NOS,Amyloidosis, unspecified,amyloid disease,amyloidosis (diagnosis),amyloidosis,Amyloid disease,Amyloidosis [Disease/Finding],amyloid diseases,amyloidoses,Amyloidosis NOS (disorder),Amyloidosis (disorder),disorder; amyloi...
Patients with a preexisting ICD-9/10 amyloidosis code during this period were excluded to focus on patients who were newly diagnosed. Control subjects without hATTR were identified and matched (age, sex, region) to patients with hATTR (ratio 3:1); these subjects were assigned same index and ...