Two Kinds by Amy TanI believed my daughter could be anything she wanted to be inAmericaif she put all her heart in. She could open a restaurant. She could work for the government and get good retirement. She could buy a house with almost no money down. She could become rich. She ...
4 Two Kinds-Amy Tan TwoKinds AmyTanAbouttheauthor1BorninAmerica(Oakland,California)in1952ofChineseimmigrantparents.2TheclashofvaluesandsensibilitiesbetweenFOBsandABCs.3struggleofwomentoattainstatusandpowerasindividualsincareersandpursuitsoftheirownchoosing/theadversaries:themothersWeseetheseconflictsin"TwoKinds"...
TwoKinds AmyTan MymotherbelievedyoucouldbeanythingyouwantedtobeinAmerica.Youcouldopenarestaurant.Youcouldworkforthegovernmentandgetgoodretirement.Youcouldbuyahousewithalmostnomoneydown.Youcouldbecomerich.Youcouldbecomeinstantlyfamous. "Ofcourse,youcanbeaprodigy,too,"mymothertoldmewhenIwasnine."Youcanbebestany...
第2章Two Kinds Amy Tan_高级英语 LessonTwo TwoKinds AmyTan •I.Abouttheauthorandherworks •2.AboutTwoKinds•3.Structureofthetext•4.Detailedstudyofthetext•5.Assignment AmyTanandherworks AmyTanisoneoftheprominentChineseAmericanwritersthathaveemergedsincethe1980s.ShewasborninOakland,California,in...
Lesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoTwo KindsTwo KindsAmy TanAmy Tan
Study “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan, a short story from the popular book ‘’The Joy Luck Club.” Read a summary of “Two Kinds” and a discussion of the...
文档标签: 第2章Two Kinds Amy Tan_高级英语 系统标签: amy kinds tan daughters narrators mothers LessonTwoLessonTwoLessonTwoLessonTwoTwoKindsTwoKindsAmyTanAmyTan•I.Abouttheauthorandherworks•2.AboutTwoKinds•3.Structureofthetext•4.Detailedstudyofthetext•5.AssignmentAmyTanandherworksAmyTanis...
daughters finally or do have to grow into USA -like, because continually mother own also always is can in unconsciously center say " inferior English " (two kind of cultural confrontation most direct terrains now in two languages confrontation, Amy Tan should be deeply knows by heart this point...
timeplayingpianoaftermanyyears,Jing-meisuddenlyseemedtorealizesomething from the “Pleading Child” and “Perfectly Contented”, which were just two halves of the same song. TWO KINDS SUMMARY FINAL 4 References Tan, A. (1989). Two kinds.
Lesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoTwo KindsTwo KindsAmy TanAmy Tan • I. About the author and her works• 2. About Two Kinds• 3. Structure of the textf• 4. Detailed study of the text• 5.Assignment Amy Tan and her works Amy Tan...