and in-game performance of the AMX-50 family of tanks in War Thunder. Now that we’ve covered all the main development stages of the AMX-50, it would only be fitting to finish off the series with the only side-development of the project, namely - the AMX-50 Foch self-propelled gun!
Surblindé, it is an accumulation of several years of design and prototyping to create a French tank killer. Offering the 120mm SA46, a six second reload, decent armor, and good mobility, playing the Surbaissé is an experience you'll be hard pressed to find anywhere else in War Thunder...
原帖地址: AMX50 TO90/930 BC Freedom Made quickly from my TO100 and Char 25t skins. 制作起来很简单,我只需要把我的AMX50(TOA100)(待搬运【其实是没找着】)和沙蒂永25吨型(拼一起就好了。
作者链接: 原帖地址: AMX50 Foch BC Freedom My BC Freedom version for the Foch. AMX50福煦 BC自由 我的BC自由版的福熙。 涂装概览: ... 点击展开... 阅读关于此资源更多信息... 版权声明 1、本站下载中心...
原帖地址: AMX30B2 BRENUS BC Freedom BC Freedom has the shield of Brenus now :D I put a specific Armor addon color scheme to give more contrast and make the tank more impressive (in my opinion). Next one will be the AMX32, later in the ...
完整重制的前一个版本为更好的质量(4K和DDS文件)。 新的标志,枪上的白色条纹。 “Age quod agis”是法国轻型防空炮兵群的原话。 涂装预览: 原帖地址: 作者链接:
原帖地址: This camouflage can be used for AMX-13 DCA 40(France) 这个涂装适用于法系的 AMX 13/40 防空型 Character:Nishikino Maki(LoveLive) 人物:西木野真姬(LoveLive) I hope you enjoy this : ) ...
原帖地址: AMX50 BC Freedom Cours ta chance is the quote of the 29th french combat tank battalion. Decal ready, next one will be AMX50 Foch later in the day ;) AMX50 BC自由 Cours ta chance 这句话出自法国第29战斗坦克营。 贴花准备就绪,下一个...
具有强大直射火力、高度越野机动性和坚强装甲防护力的履带式或轮式装甲战斗车辆。 作者:Pixtolero 作者链接: 原帖地址: AMX50 Surbaissé BC Freedom Decal ready with DDS in 4K. ...
陆军 AMX50 减高型 BC自由学院 AMX50 Surbaissé BC Freedom 2022-7-21 工具人小林 2022/07/21 法国 搬运转载 0.00 星 共计0 人给出评价 下载 68 已更新 2022/07/21 陆军 AMX50 福煦 BC自由 AMX50 Foch BC Freedom 2022-7-24 工具人小林 2022/07/24 法国 搬运转载 0.00 星 共计0 人给...