Great fun placetheme parks, the same as other Disneys around the world ive been to like the Disney in Paris and Japan. it was a great exp, but i prefermovieworld anduniversalstudio more Upvote28Downvote Edward GAugust 11, 2014 Beware of the Chinese they are rude with no manners. Theth...
and factor in that with the fights that have been happening in parks across the country involving teenagers? I fully expect many parks to put restrictions in place, that anyone under age 16 (or maybe even 12) MUST be accompanied by an adult 18+ at all times in the park. 4) What,...
"Check out the brand newdolphin showand dine with Shamu!"(11 Tips) "Loved Pets Rule and theSea Lion showsthough!"(6 Tips) See what your friends are saying about SeaWorld San Diego. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places they’...
Gene and I were just in NYC last month and had an amazing time. We were able to see and do some of the things that we hadn’t […] Amusement Park / Austria / Europe / Parks The Prater in Vienna: Austria’s Playground for Everyone In May of 2018, we were extremely lucky to spe...