Flights to the USAEurope to the USA by Queen Mary 2Train service in the USA, at a glance See detailed mapThis route map shows where Amtrak trains run. Each of the very long-distance transcontinental routes shown in blue has one daily train, except for New York to Florida with 2 trains...
*Following the reported stored dead dates, many baggage cars and some diners were used in the midwest to augment axle counts on various routes. Those periodic, non-revenue, uses may not be reflected on all cars in this list. Identified Purchasers of Recent Sales: ATAX-Arizona Transit Assembl...
I'd also love to see any explanations or analysis of how the various fare prices are determined, and how many seats at various prices are available on various routes. If there isn't a bunch of existing pricing/ridership information or a robust price tracking tool out there, I'd like buil...
AA has a huge chunk of 777's and 787's for the majority of it's long haul fleet. 787's can do almost the same job as the 777 on most routes so I've heard talk of older 777's being parked as well. It all depends on international travel. United also rely's on only 787's...
Seventeen married pairs consisting of one coach and one café/coach combination car for use on Midwest corridor routes. In addition to the 137 cars under manufacture for the original order, the Wisconsin state partner was awarded a federal discretionary grant to acquire nine additional car...