This route map shows where Amtrak trains run. Each of the very long-distance transcontinental routes shown in blue has one daily train, except for New York to Florida with 2 trains a day and the Sunset Limited (New Orleans-San Antonio-Los Angeles) which runs 3 times a week. Important ...
In case you’re wondering how to travel the country without a car (in a way other thanrunning),this map from the American Intercity Bus Riders Association[pdf] shows you all the bus and Amtrak routes that span the United States. Keep in mind that these trains don’t run 24/7, so pla...
but for more reasonable train routes (up to 1500km) you can compete with flying – but only if you are not slowing down too much for all the stops. Every stop added is a trade off between lower speeds for those who don’t want to use that stop (this trip), and more people ...