从内华达州埃尔科(Elko, Nevada)出发热门路线 * 丹佛(联合车站),科罗拉多州(Denver (Union Station), Colorado) * 加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆(Anaheim, California) * 斯托克顿站(Stockton Station) * 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶(Los Angeles, California) * 德克萨斯州休斯顿(Amtrak)(Houston (Amtrak), Texas) 到达内华达州埃尔...
1SOUTHWEST CHIEF serving CHICAGO - KANSAS CITY - TOPEKA - DODGE CITY - RATON - LAMY (SANTA FE) - ALBUQUERQUE - FLAGSTAFF - LOS ANGELES 3 3Train Number Daily v i l l e , I L M e n G a l e s s o n , I A L a P l L a w r N e w D o d g L a s V y ,...
heart. And you betcha, St. Paul Minneapolis, Minot, Shelby, and Salt Lake City are on the map. Then there's Denver and Omaha, Flagstaff, Albuquerque, and Kansas City. Swing by St. Louis, Austin, Fort Worth, and take a tour through Oklahoma City, Dallas, Little Rock, Jackson, and ...
格林河,犹他州(Green River, Utah)到盐湖城(Amtrak站),犹他州(Salt Lake City (Amtrak Station), Utah)火车时刻表 从格林河,犹他州(Green River, Utah)出发热门路线 到达格林河,犹他州(Green River, Utah)热门路线 从盐湖城(Amtrak站),犹他州(Salt Lake City (Amtrak Station), Utah)出发热门路线 ...
The average price for a train ticket from Denver to San Francisco is $158.67, Tickets are generally pricier for this train route, which is to be expected given the long distance. By booking your trip at least 29 days in advance, you increase your chances of scoring even cheaper tickets. ...
This train is one of the great train rides of the world, and if you are planning a coast-to-coast trip, this is the best route to take. It climbs through the Rockies between Denver & Salt Lake City, and through the Sierra Nevada between Reno and the Bay Area. See an account of a...
Sign up to get the latest deals on bus & train tickets sent directly to you. Email Subscribe What is the price of a train ticket from Houston to Kansas City? Over the past month, a train ticket between Houston and Kansas City cost $206.98, on average. Due to the distance between Houst...
would magically whisk them to their destinations. In those days, getting there was half the fun. Businessmen caught the Union Pacific to Chicago, families took the Burlington Northern to Saint Louis or Kansas City, and Middle-aged couples set off to see relatives in Denver, all experiencing ...
Todd Marquardt from Kansas City, MO Jul 10, 2018 20 I received a $50.00 gift certificate from Jenny Jacobs for my birthday in May of this year. It was our plans to take the train from Bloomington, Ill. To Chicago as I had never been on a train before. On our first attempt Am...
04/03/04-04/09/04:Fullerton, California - Denver, Colorado via the AmtrakCoast Starlightand the AmtrakCalifornia Zephyr(Deluxe Rooms). Just Photos - No Travelogue. Travel with wife over Sierra Nevada and through the Rocky Mountains to Denver on vacation. Free Trip Using Amtrak Guest Rewards ...