I know that the 72 chevy truck racers wedge; the truck kit and wedge in the box is coming out. But, the other version of the 72 Chevy pickup coming out; will that be the Coke a Cola version? What will be in the kit? Supposedly it's a Coke version with a Coke machine. Rob...
My version is a kind of retro pro street car! The kit was built mostly straight from the box apart from the wheels, harness, seat belts and the top end of the engine which has been converted to a fuel injected big-block. The model was painted with my Aztek A470 airbrush. The kit wa...
Photographer was not credited by the source of this photograph. Maria Beck МарияБекas “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain”,“The Stone FlowerКаменныйцветок”, music by Sergey Prokofiev СергейПрокофьев, libretto by Mira Mendelssohn Prokofieva Ми...
Yes. The 32 Chrysler beach racer I'm doing will have a gloss paint job. I won't be polishing it out, but a gloss paint seems to fit the build. Then I'm going to pull the '37 Chevy hot rod outa mothballs which is already gloss green, and finish it, and then the Allison Charge...
例如:We just redid the family room. (Chevy Astro)这是雪佛兰汽车的广告,将轿车内的空间比喻成家中的房间,暗示乘坐在这款车里,全家人在不同座位上都能享受到居家不同房间布局的方便性、多样性、功能齐全性。此车拥有这么多的优点,激发读者跃跃欲试。