1998年12月14日国防部(DoD)开始使用SAE-AMS-T-6736“无缝焊接铬- 钼合金(4130或8630)钢管材”。DoD机构的更改提议必须寄往DoD采用机构, 地址为:AirForce,ASC/ENSID,2530LoopRoad,Wright-PattersonAFBOH 45433-7101。DoD机构可从标准化文件定购办公室获得本标准的副本,地址为: ...
SAE-AMS-T-6736A-2003文档之家?saeamst6736a2003 SAE-AMS-T-6736A-2003 SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and ...
SAE-AMS-T-6736A-2003 SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent...
最新版本是MIL MIL-T-6736B-1965。 MIL MIL-T-6736B-1965的历代版本如下: 1965年MIL MIL-T-6736B-1965管材 铬钼 4130 钢 无缝和焊接 航空质量(使用 AMS 6360、SAE 4130、AMS 6361、AMS 6362、AMS 6371、AMS 6373)(取代 MIL-T-6736A、MIL-T-6731)(S/S 符合 SAE-AMS-T-6736) ...