doi:10.1016/j.nima.2008.01.045Francesco Maria CardanoUniversity of PerugiaesNuclear Inst & Methods in Physics Research AF. M. Cardano, "Dark matter search with the AMS-02 experiment," Nucl. Instrum. Meth., vol. A588, pp. 239-242, 2008....
1、翻译原文 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer(AMS02)experiment on the International Space Station (ISS) Abstract The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment is realized in two phases. A precursor flight (STS-91) with a reduced experimental configuration (AMS01) has successfully flown on space shuttle Discover...
We review the status of the construction of the AMS-02 experiment in preparation for the 3-year mission on the ISS.doi:10.1016/j.nima.2008.01.044Roberto BattistonElsevier B.V.Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated ...
Alpha MagneticSpectrometer(AMS02)experiment on the International Space Station (ISS) AbstractThe Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment is realized in two phases. A precursor flight (STS-91) with a reduced experimental configuration (AMS01) has successfully flown on space shuttle Discovery in June 1998...
AMS-02 experimentWe study the possible positron/electron excesses within the multi-component leptonically decaying dark matter (DM) scenario by fitting the most recent AMS-02 data on the positron fraction and total e+ + eu2212 flux. We show that both the single- and two-component DM models ...
space experimentalignment controlThe AMS-02 particle spectrometer will be installed on the International Space Station (ISS) in fall 2005. We describe the design of the 7 m 2 AMS-02 tracker, which is based on the experience with AMS-01—successfully operated in space for 10 days in 1998. ...
The goal of the experiment is to carry out accurate measurements of galactic Cosmic Rays spectra in a wide energy range from GeV/n to TeV/n and search for rare components as hints of the presence of Dark Matter and Anti-Matter. The AMS instrument includes a Ring Imaging erenkov (RICH),...
AMS-02 experiment High Energy Particle Physics in Space (ISS): Large Acceptance, Long Duration High Statistics Charged Particles & Nuclei Spectra High Energy Gamma Rays Physics goals: Search for Primordial Antimatter by Direct Detection of Antinuclei (He/He<10-9) Dark Matter Signatures in p...
Space qualification of the transition radiation detector of the AMS-02 experiment and indirect search for dark matter We know that the universe consists of 22% dark matter. The dark matter particle has to be stable, non-relativistic and only weakly interacting. But we don't know what the dark...
TheAMS-02experimenthasbeeninstalledinMay2011ontheinternationalspacestation(ISS)whereitwill measure,withanunprecedentedaccuracy,cosmicraysuptotheTeVenergyregionforseveralyears. TheAMS-02timeofflight(TOF)andtheanti-coincidecounters(ACC)sub-detectorsproviderespectivelythe fasttriggerandthevetoforthedatatakingtothe...