本规范涵盖在 65 °C (154 °F) 以上使用的液体碱性清洁剂。这种清洁剂通常用于在表面处理之前通过浸入热清洁剂溶液中来去除铝和镁合金部件上的污垢,但用途并不限于此类应用。This specification covers an alkaline cleaner in the form of a liquid f
内容提示: AMS 标准列表 AMS: Specification: • AMS 4001 • AMS 4003 • AMS 4004 • AMS 4005 • AMS 4006 • AMS 4007 • AMS 4008 • AMS 4009 • AMS 4010 • AMS 4011 • AMS 4015 • AMS 4016 • AMS 4017 • AMS 4025 • AMS 4026 • AMS 4027 • AMS ...
AEROSPACE MATERIAL SPECIFICATION AMS 1428E Issued Revised AUG 1997 JUN 2006 Superseding AMS 1428D Fluid, Aircraft Deicing/Anti-Icing, Non-Newtonian (Pseudoplastic), SAE Types II, III, and IV RATIONALE This revision of the document reflects the following changes. Inclusion of Cold Storage ...
AMS4049AluminumAlloySheetandPlate,Alclad,5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.23Cr,(Alclad 7075;-T6Sheet,-T65lPlate),SolutionandPrecipitationHeatTreated AEROSPACE MATERIAL SPECIFICATION AMS1476B IssuedJUL1977 RevisedMAR1996 ReaffirmedFEB2004 SupersedingAMS1476A
1. SCOPE 1.1 Form This specification covers a thickened, water-base, type cleaner in the form of a gel. 1.2 Application This cleaner has been used typically for removing soils from exterior surfaces of aircraft, such as landing gea 6、rs, wheel wells, and flap cavities, but usage is not...
1 32 A fluid meeting al l other requirements of this specification may not meet the aerodynamic acceptance test in the concentrated form This fluid shal l only be used di luted to the ratios which meet the aerodynamic acceptance test criteria - 1 33 The fluid shal l have a minimum flash...
Thisspecificationcoversawater-basecleanerintheformofaconcentratedliquid. 1.2Application: Thisproducthasbeenusedtypicallyforremovalofin-servicesoilingfromhardsurface interiormaterialsofaircraft,includingpaint,metal,andplastics,butusageisnotlimitedto suchapplications.Thiscleanershallnotbeusedoninteriorfabricsofaircraft. ...