SupersedingAMS2770G HeatTreatmentofWroughtAluminumAlloyParts RATIONALE AMS2770Hrepresentsatechnicalrevisionofthisspecification. 1.SCOPE 1.1Purpose Thisspecificationspecifiestheengineeringrequirementsforheattreatment,bypartfabricators(users)ortheirvendorsor subcontractors,ofparts(See8.8.1).Italsocoversheattreatmentbyware...
Sundstrand/9999506002, User=Tompsett, George Not for Resale, 05/27/2006 06:17:15 MDT AMS 2770G SAE AMS 2770G 3.2.2 Cleaning: Prior to solution heat treating or annealing, parts shall be clean and visually free of contaminants such as dirt, metal residues, lubricants and solvent residues. ...
2868-SAE AMS 2770J - Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts(替代AMS-H-6088
格式:PDF 页数:7 大小:47.32KB 《SAE AMS 4313D-2010 Aluminum Alloy Rolled or Forged Rings 6 3Cu - 0 30Mn - 0 18Zr - 0 10V - 0 06Ti (2219-T351 2219-T352) Solution Heat Treated and Mechanically Stress Relieved (UNS .pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SAE AMS 4313D-2010 Aluminum...
`--- -3Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAE No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale AMS 2770G SAE AMS 2770G 3.2.2 Cleaning: Prior to solution heat treating or annealing, parts shall be clean and visually free of ...
AMS 2770H AEROSPACE MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Issued JUN 1974 Revised AUG 2006 Superseding AMS 2770G Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts RATIONALE AMS 2770H represents a technical revision of this specification.1. SCOPE 1.1 Purpose This specification specifies the engineering requirements for...