Revision 2.00 or higher • Supported Zone I/O hardware and software revision: - Analog Input or Analog Output, Revision 1.14 or higher • Supported FOUNDATION fieldbus I/O hardware and software revision: - Fieldbus H1, Series 1, Revision 1.8 or higher (does not support fieldbus alerts) -...
Revision 1.0 or higher - HART AO Redundant High Density, S-Series, Revision 1.0 or higher 17 System requirements • Supported Intrinsically Safe HART I/O hardware and software revisions: - Analog Input HART Module, 8-channel, Revision 2.39 or higher - Analog Output HART Module, 8-channel, ...
All stations must use the same revision of AMS Device Manager software. If you are installing an AMS Device Manager distributed system on domain controller PCs or a mix of domain controllers and non-domain controller PCs, do all the domain controller installations first (see page 71). If you...
All stations must use the same revision of AMS Device Manager software. If you are installing an AMS Device Manager distributed system on domain controller PCs or a mix of domain controllers and non-domain controller PCs, do all the domain controller installations first (see page 68). If you...