AEROSPACE MATERIAL SPECIFICATION AMS 2770G Issued Revised JAN 1989 APR 2003 Superseding AMS 2770F Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts 1. SCOPE: 1.1 Purpose: This specification specifies the engineering requirements for heat treatment, by part fabricators (users) or their vendors or ...
AEROSPACE MATERIAL SPECIFICATION AMS 2770G Issued Revised JAN 1989 APR 2003 Superseding AMS 2770F Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts 1. SCOPE: 1.1 --`,,,`,``,,```,,``,``,,```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Purpose: This specification specifies the engineering requirements for ...
SPECIFICATION IssuedJUN1974 RevisedAUG2006 SupersedingAMS2770G HeatTreatmentofWroughtAluminumAlloyParts RATIONALE AMS2770Hrepresentsatechnicalrevisionofthisspecification. 1.SCOPE 1.1Purpose Thisspecificationspecifiestheengineeringrequirementsforheattreatment,bypartfabricators(users)ortheirvendorsor ...
Specification Large Capacity, SGS Cartridge′s Status Full Colored No Bulk Packaging Yes Delivery 3-7days Transport Package Neutral Packing Trademark SPRINTONER Origin China HS Code 8443999090 Production Capacity 50000PCS/Month Product ...
AMS 2770H represents a technical revision of this specification.1. SCOPE 1.1 Purpose This specification specifies the engineering requirements for heat treatment, by part fabricators (users) or their vendors or subcontractors, of parts (See 8.8.1). It also covers heat treatment by warehouses or...