Amputation of the Leg of a Heiferdoi:10.1016/S0368-1742(88)80109-7HunterWm.Elsevier B.V.Journal of Comparative Pathology & Therapeutics
Use of Doppler pressure measurements in predicting success in amputation of the leg Fifty-five patients underwent amputation of the leg. Fifty-eight percent of the amputations were above-knee and 32 percent below-knee. Preoperative Doppler... SB Pollock,CB Ernst - 《American Journal of Surgery》...
transcondylar amputation of the thigh, the femur is sawed through the condyles just above the articular surface. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Car·den am·pu·ta·tion (kahr'dĕn amp'yū-tā'shŭn) Transcondylar amputation of the leg; the femur is sawed through the...
Amputation-of-leg-through-ankle-joints网络小腿切断术经踝关节网络释义 1. 小腿切断术经踝关节|基于1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,小腿切断术经踝关节 更多例句筛选 1. Amputation of leg through ankle joints 小腿切断术经踝关节 ©...
Related to amputation:below the knee amputation cutting off, especially of a body part:After the amputation of his leg he was fitted for a prosthesis. Not to be confused with: imputation– an accusation; an attribution, as of fault:His imputation was completely off base. ...
Drug-eluting stents can keep clogged leg arteries open, preventing amputation of the leg, suggests research being presented at the Society of Interventional Radiology's 38th Annual Scientific Meeting in New Orleans. "Peripheral arterial disease (or PAD) is becoming increasingly prevalent due to ouragi...
He or she will tell you what medicines to take or not take on the day of your surgery. Arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you after surgery.What will happen during toe amputation:You may be given anesthesia to numb your leg or foot. You may feel pressure or pushing ...
He hasn't been able to leave his pair of crutches ever since theamputation. 自从被截肢后,他就再也离不开双拐了. 互联网 Why does Gaeta say he wants to be numbed , but not anesthetized, during his leg -amputationsurgery? 为什么盖塔说在截肢手术期间,他想被局部麻醉而不是全麻?
The researchers found a total of 1,185 amputations among 125,674 veterans without evidence of prior amputation at baseline. Risk for Leg Amputation Higher With Microvascular Disease; Risk higher regardless of microvascular disease location or other blood vessel conditions More results ► Acronyms brows...
There continue to be reports of amputations and public floggings 关于断肢和当众鞭刑等处罚的报道仍在继续。 MultiUn Maclean’s reports: “But Perron ignored the warning, and in 1983 doctors had to amputate his other leg. 麦克莱恩》报道说:‘佩龙不理会警告,在1983年,医生不得不切除他的另一条...