the removal of a limb or other appendage or outgrowth of the body. The most common indication for amputation of an upper limb is severe trauma. Blood vessel disorders such as atherosclerosis, often secondary to diabetes mellitus, account for the greatest percentage of amputations of the lower lim...
, and temperature discrimination (hot/cold) are used and often documented on a body chart.154 This information is used to guide patient-family education about skin inspection and wound care, as well as decisions about appropriate socket-limb interface for prosthetic prescription. Screening for ...
Values presented as absolute numbers and percentage or mean ± one standard deviation; ASA = American society of anesthesiology, BMI = body mass index, CAD = coronary heart disease, renal insufficiency = serum creatinine > 1.2 mg/dL COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PAOD = peripheral...