AMPure XP Manual Workflow Bind DNA to magnetic beads Separate beads from contaminants Wash magnetic beads with 70% ethanol to remove contaminants Elute DNA from magnetic beads Transfer to new plate Read the AMPure XP Protocol Download the AMPure XP Instructions for Use ↓ AMPure XP bead-based ...
Below is an example set-up for 24 samples, preparing 10 µl DNA samples (position B) with 18 µl of AMPure XP beads (position A). The pipetting programs were prepared according to the manufacturer’s protocol (AMPure XP, Beckman Coulter) usingVIALAB software. The protocol is div...
In DNA cleanup, the recommended bead ratio for AMPure XP is 1.8. This value denotes the volume of the AMPure XP bead required in relation to the volume of the DNA sample. To determine the volume of AMPure XP reagent per reaction, multiply the volume of the DNA sample by 1.8: ...
paramagneticbeadtechnologyforhigh-throughputpurificationofPCRamplicons.Agencourt AMPureXPutilizesanoptimizedbuffertoselectivelybindPCRamplicons100bpandlargerto paramagneticbeads.Excessprimers,nucleotides,salts,andenzymescanberemovedusinga simplewashingprocedure.TheresultingpurifiedPCRproductisessentiallyfreeofcontaminants. ...
Performance is similar to PCRClean DX (Ampure XP direct replacement)Click here. Sizes: 5 mL 50 mL 250 mL 450 mL Storage: Store beads at 4°C Stability: 12 months if stored as specified Protocols and SDS PCRClean PB Protocol v2.1 ...