Amplify Shader Pack (11) $25 Labebe Studios Trident Medieval Fantasy Ship (not enough ratings) $34.50 iluora Fixify - 终极项目优化器与自动修复工具 – 分析、清理、优化 (7) $34.99 More from Amplify Creations See more Amplify Creations
Quick Look Amplify Creations Amplify Shader Editor (684) $80 Add to Cart Quick Look Amplify Creations Amplify Impostors (108) $60 Add to Cart Quick Look Amplify Creations Amplify Shader Pack (11) $25 Add to Cart Quick Look Amplify Creations Amplify LUT Pack (104) $15 Add to Cart Quick ...
DilateShader边缘膨胀处理: Shader dilateShader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(DilateGUID)); Debug.Log(dilateShader, dilateShader); Material dilateMat=newMaterial(dilateShader);//Dilationfor(inti =0; i < outputList.Count; i++) {if(outputList[i].Active) Dila...
The second version, which improved upon the first iteration on both quality and performance was using a technique known as GTAO, or “Ground-Truth Ambient Occlusion”, based on a 2016 paper titled "Practical Realtime Strategies for Accurate Indirect Occlusion" by Jorge Jimenez, Xian-Chun Wu, ...
头发着色器 unity3d shader(Advanced Hair Shader Pack_u5_ unity3d) unity3d高级插件 18款 制作高质量3d渲染PBR纹理贴图编辑工具(Surforge 1.3.2) unity3d编辑器 286款 快速高效动画编辑工具1.0.075(DOTween Pro v1.0.075) Unity插件/工具合集1 108款 ...
Amplify Shader Editor- Award-winning node-based shader creation tool Amplify Impostors- 1-Click Impostor Creator Amplify LUT Pack- 200+ LUTs for Amplify Color and Unity PPS Amplify Color Amplify Color was the first modern, high-performance LUT-based post-effect color grading solution for Unity. ...
文件: Amplify Shader Editor 1.6.8.unitypackage 说明: Unity工具内截图云检查是爱给网根据自动化脚本命令打开模型文件后自动导出生成,主要用于辅助判断预览图和实际模型的一致性。 提示: 由于云检查并不是人工进行的,此项检查存在诸多因素(如视角、背景默认设置不佳等)导致约有6%的模型还不能很好的展示,因此截图...
元素币支付微金支付2 余额支付 Amplify LUT Pack Shaders/Fullscreen & Camera Effects Amplify Creations...
价格:50元素币(或5余额)尊敬的游客,本内容需要支付50元素币或十分之一的[余额]来购买.您可以[充值][发帖][悬赏][任务]来赚取积分。元素币支付微金支付5 余额支付 更多精彩图片 请登录 更多精彩图片 请登录 更多精彩图片 请登录 ...
Amplify LUT Pack - 200+ LUTs for Amplify Color and Unity PPS Amplify Color Amplify Color was the first modern, high-performance LUT-based post-effect color grading solution for Unity. It was originally named Color3 and was the first plugin we released on the Unity Asset Store, back in Febr...