Amplification in writing takes asimple sentenceand turns it into something engaging and memorable. By doing so, it focuses thereader’s attentionon the most important details. When you include amplification in your writing, you are essentially pointing your finger at the page and saying, “Look h...
In both speech and writing, amplification tends to accentuate the importance of a topic and induce an emotional response (pathos) in theaudience. Examples and Observations "In amplification, writers repeat something they've just said while adding moredetailsand information to the original description....
但却是一件极好的仿制品。•Theirtransportationwascamel.•他们的运输工具是骆驼。More…MoreExamples:•administration•preparations•compromise•display•evaporation•oxidation•application •管理部门•准备工作•妥协办法,折中方案•显示值•蒸发过程•氧化作用•使用场合,适用范围 ...
1、增加动词 1).Readingmakesafullman;conferenceareadyman;andwritinganexactman.读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记(写作)使人准确。2).Wedon’tregret,weneverhaveandneverwill.我们不会后悔,我们从来没有后悔过,我们将来也不会后悔。3).Afterthebasketball,hestillhasanimportantconference.看完篮球比赛之后,...
government has had to prove that any speech it seeks to limit would present a “clear and present danger.” (Oliver Wendell Holmes, writing the unanimous opinion, gave the famous example of a person falsely shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater.) Subsequently, the court has elaborated that...
Parasitic infections are usually found in free-range poultry systems due to the poultry's behaviour of roaming from place to place in search of food, which is often contaminated with an infective stage of parasites. Examples of potential sources of infection include various insects and water snails...
Let’s see how LCS fares in these examples. The first example was straightforward writing of new data at a constant pace, and we saw high temporary disk space use during compaction – at some points doubling the amount of disk space needed. With LCS, this problem is gone, as we can ...
historical stage-discharge and cross-sectional data. J.C. processed the parametric echo sounding survey data and analyzed the bedform statistics. M.P.L. and H.M. developed the relations among dune height, resistance and suspension number. All authors participated in discussion and writing of the...
Spatial heatmap of centrosome amplification in a normal fallopian tube (a) and HGSOC tumour tissue (b). Additional examples are shown in Supplementary Fig.1. CA scores are indicated by a colour gradient (purple = low, yellow = high) for each imaging field. Points represent individual nuclei...
Fei Wang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Validation. Zhiqiang Song: Formal analysis, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Project administration. Yunhe Liu: Formal analysis, Funding acquisition. Bohua Luo: Software, Visualization...