Voltage(V)、Resistance(R)、Capacitance(F)的符号 Ampere(A)、Volt(V)、Ohm(Ω)的单位缩写. 结果一 题目 Voltage、Resistance、Capacitance的符号 Ampere、Volt、Ohm的单位缩写 答案 Voltage(V)、Resistance(R)、Capacitance(F)的符号 Ampere(A)、Volt(V)、Ohm(Ω)的单位缩写.相关推荐 1Voltage、Resistance、Capa...
Related to Amperes:resistance,voltage,Volts,Ampere's law am·pere (ăm′pîr′) n.Abbr.A Thebasicunitofelectriccurrent,equaltoonecoulombpersecondandequivalenttothecurrent,flowingintwostraightparallelwiresofnegligiblecrosssectionseparatedby adistanceofonemeter,thatproducesaforcebetweenthewiresof2.0× 10-...
The meaning of AMPERE is the practical meter-kilogram-second unit of electric current that is equivalent to a flow of one coulomb per second or to the steady current produced by one volt applied across a resistance of one ohm. How to use ampere in a sent
:the practical mks unit of electric current that is equivalent to a flow of one coulomb per second or to the steady current produced by one volt applied across a resistance of one ohm 2 :the base unit of electric current in the International System of Units that is equal to a constant ...
Resistance (ohm)is analogous to the pipe's size. Volt-ampere vs. watt: DC circuits and AC circuits Like volt-amperes, watts also represent power. However, the meaning of volt-ampere vs. watt changes depending on whether the electrical circuit is AC or DC. ...
We assume you are converting between volt/ampere and statohm. You can view more details on each measurement unit: volts per ampere or statohm The SI derived unit for electric resistance is the ohm. 1 ohm is equal to 1 volts per ampere, or 1.1126500560497E-12 statohm. Note that rounding...
2 . Five common units used in working with electricity and electric circuits are the volt, ampere, watt, ohm, and hertz.在电气与电路的工作中的五个通用的单位是伏特,安培,瓦特,欧姆,和赫兹。 3 . Among the methods of measuring inner-resistance of micro-ampere-meter with the substitute method ...
nounThe unit employed in measuring the strength of an electrical current. It is the current which flows through a conductor whose resistance is one ohm, and between the two ends of which the unit difference of potentials, one volt, is maintained. ...
英文: Ampere The ampere is a unit of electric current flow. One ampere of current will flow when a potential of one volt is applied across a resistance of one ohm.中文: 安培安培是电流单位。1伏电压作用于1欧姆的电阻上就会产生1安培的电流。