因此,SI制取安培作为它的基本单位之一. 辞典例句 AmpereTheampereis a unit of current flow. 安培安培是电流单元. 互联网 Built - in rotary switch, button,amperemeter, indicating lamp etc. 内装转换开关 、 电流表 、 按钮 、 指示灯等. 互联网 ...
10Use clamp ampere meter to measure the current and check if the heating power is normal.用钳形表测量电流,检查发热功率是否正常。11Each unit should include a main switch and ammeter with a scale of about 20 ampere capacity.每一套装置应包括一个主开关和电流表,电流表的刻度范围约20安培。12And...
1.(Units) the basic SI unit of electric current; the constant current that, when maintained in two parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible cross section placed 1 metre apart in free space, produces a force of 2 × 10–7newton per metre between them. 1 ampere is equivalent to...
1.(Units) the basic SI unit of electric current; the constant current that, when maintained in two parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible cross section placed 1 metre apart in free space, produces a force of 2 × 10–7newton per metre between them. 1 ampere is equivalent to...
Is ampere a SI unit? Yes, it is. The ampere is identified by the international committee as being the standard unit used to measure current. What is the formula for ampere? To find ampere using a voltameter, first find the surface area of the electrode. Make sure to multiply by 2 to...
5. A unit of magnetomotive force equal to the magnetomotive force produced by the passage of 1 ampere through 1 complete turn of a coil; equal to 1.257 gilberts. 磁通势单位等于安培的电流通过单位线圈时产生的磁通势;等于吉伯。 6. When the frequency is 15Hz and number of ampere turns is ...
Ampere is defined as the unit of electric current that is equal to the flow of one Coulomb per second. Ampere is named after the French Physicist and Mathematician Andre-Marie Ampere.
The ampere is the SI unit of electric current and it is one of the seven SI base unitsInterestingly one ampere is approximately equivalent to approximately 6.24×1018 elementary charges such as electrons or holes moving past a given point or boundary in one second.Physicists...
The SI prefix "pico" represents a factor of 10-12, or in exponential notation, 1E-12.So 1 picocoulomb = 10-12 coulombs.The definition of a coulomb is as follows:he coulomb, symbol C, is the SI unit of electric charge, and is defined in terms of the ampere: 1 coulomb is the ...
The International System (SI) unit of electric current, equivalent to one coulomb (1 C) of electronic charge passing though a point in 1 s (second), i.e., 1 A is equivalent to approximately 6.242 · 1018electrons per second passing through a point.Common abbreviationA.Note 1:The charge ...