产品型号:BA-210 产品品牌:Ampeg 产品类别:BASSAMP SERIES 产品系列: 品牌新闻:Ampeg新闻 注意事项: 欢迎您来到长城乐器官方网站,购买该产品,事先联系以下客服,详细咨询产品报价、运送交付等相关事宜。电话: 4008-777-880 官方微博:http://weibo.com/musicgw ...
正品美国Ampeg安培BA-108/110/112/115/210贝斯音箱贝司bass音箱 ¥3540 正品安培 ampeg svt 810av 电贝司音箱箱体八个十寸扬声器现 ¥15180 正品全新 安培Ampeg Micro-VR 200W BASS电贝司箱头行货全新现货 ¥3670 Ampeg安培电贝斯音箱 RB系列贝司专用音响 Bass入门初学练习正品 ¥1930 Ampeg 安培 Micro-VR ...
Ampeg Used Ampeg Ba210sp Bass Combo Amp 0MusicVirtual Sheet Music Inc
从适合卧室使用的BA-108到适合舞台用的BA-210,不仅保留了Ampeg圆润的声音,经典的造型和拥有超高的性价比,而且加入了更加多贴近入门级用户的功能,BassAmp系列Combo就是入门贝司玩家的最佳选择。 作为一名贝司手,我一直都有很留意Ampeg的bass箱,大到classic系列的经典箱头箱体,小到BassAmp系列的一体箱,而像我这种入门...
Ampeg is a Bass amp instrument manufacturing company that specializes in bass guitar amplification and effects. For over 60 years Ampeg has been providing amplification solutions for professional bass players and aspiring bassists looking for the best ba
Ampeg is a Bass amp instrument manufacturing company that specializes in bass guitar amplification and effects. For over 60 years Ampeg has been providing amplification solutions for professional bass players and aspiring bassists looking for the best ba
1949年,Stanley退出,Hull开始独立经营,公司更名为Ampeg Bassamp CO.。从那时起,Ampeg生产了一系列在音乐界颇具历史意义的产品,赢得了广泛音乐爱好者的青睐。其中某些产品简直可以说是别出心裁、匠心独具,演奏效果也是独树一帜,在Ampeg名下,拥有着6个美国专利。 1960年,公司的设计工程师Jess Oliver开发出一种新型合...