Ampeg BA112V2 1x12 Bass Combo AmplifierMusicVirtual Sheet Music Inc
Ampeg is a Bass amp instrument manufacturing company that specializes in bass guitar amplification and effects. For over 60 years Ampeg has been providing amplification solutions for professional bass players and aspiring bassists looking for the best ba
Ampeg is a Bass amp instrument manufacturing company that specializes in bass guitar amplification and effects. For over 60 years Ampeg has been providing amplification solutions for professional bass players and aspiring bassists looking for the best ba
1949年,Stanley退出,Hull开始独立经营,公司更名为Ampeg Bassamp CO.。从那时起,Ampeg生产了一系列在音乐界颇具历史意义的产品,赢得了广泛音乐爱好者的青睐。其中某些产品简直可以说是别出心裁、匠心独具,演奏效果也是独树一帜,在Ampeg名下,拥有着6个美国专利。 1960年,公司的设计工程师Jess Oliver开发出一种新型合...
Ampeg is a Bass amp instrument manufacturing company that specializes in bass guitar amplification and effects. For over 60 years Ampeg has been providing amplification solutions for professional bass players and aspiring bassists looking for the best ba
Ampeg is a Bass amp instrument manufacturing company that specializes in bass guitar amplification and effects. For over 60 years Ampeg has been providing amplification solutions for professional bass players and aspiring bassists looking for the best ba