January 21, 20252 Comments We all love the sound of a cranked amp, but we can’t play loud all… Read More Best Fuzz Pedals – Vintage & Modern Options January 19, 20252 Comments Fuzz pedals, those gnarly, gritty little boxes, have been a staple in the guitarist’s arsenal… ...
sure, and lots of modern amps are being built with direct outs for “silent” recording. Still, a tube head with an attenuator is not only more expensive than a virtual amp, but takes up real physical space and obviously
There are a lot of benefits to going the amp simulator route as a guitarist. Cost and versatility are both huge advantages over real amps, because modelers can give you access to hundreds of different heads, cabinets, and effects sims in a single package. They’re also the most convenient ...
With this, you can focus on amps that have been proven to provide good real-world results in order to find the one that suits your budget and needs. To handle the broader frequency range of keyboards, these amps are often equipped with full-range speakers. This means that they also work...
If this was no big deal, Nembrini and Neural would be bombarding us with new amps once a week. Not that I'm against it, but that's just not real life. Thank you Artem for calling out this fraud for what it is. The test for any emulation is whether or not it nails the hardware...
If you’re a beginner, a guitar headphone amp allows you to experience what an actual amp sounds like without the usual loud volume associated with real amps. Whether you are looking for something for jamming or you intend to seriously hone your chops, this updated list of the best headpho...
The tonemap, onboard vsts, and reguitar options are impressive enough - but the actual amps themselves are the closest to real amps in terms of responsiveness I've ever felt. It's even better than [competitor products]. I thought Blue Cat were a small indie company? How many people ...
The Guitar Amp effect emulates three vintage guitar amps: Combo USA, Combo UK and Stack. It emulates the amp, its speaker and the microphone recording it. In addition up to three stompbox effects can be used.Guitar Amp window Guitar sectionThe...
(George) Bischoff, of Melos Audio, on the difference between solid-state gear and tubes. "The real dog may piss on the rug, needs visits to the vet, gets fleas, has to be walked, but it's a living thing—a real dog. The stuffed dog requires no care, needs no maintenance, but ...
Five years ago, when I examined NAD's $399 D 3020, the progenitor of the D 3045 before us here, I liked it—a lot. The D 3020 was among the first of what I've come to call DAC-lifiers: small-ish integrated amps with onboard digital-to-analog facilities intended for audio-streami...