ACH = CFM x 60/Area x Heightceiling Total Heat (BTU/hr.) = 4.5 x CFM x Δh (std. air) Sensible Heat (BTU/hr) = 1.1 x CFM x Δt (std. air) Latent Heat (BTU/hr) = 0.69 x CFM x Δgr. (std. air) 1 HP = 746 Watts 1 kW = 3413 BTU...
To determine the loudness level, plug this into the equation above: dBSPL = dB(1mW) + 10 * log10(P), or 98 + 10 * log10(980), which equals 127.9 dBSPL. Roughly the threshold of pain, and more than you shouldeverlisten to. ...
significantlylowerlevelatthe sustainofthenoteplayed.Thisisknownasthe‘crestfactor’anddescribestheratiobetweenthe highestpeakandtheaverageenergy(ratiobetweenpeakandRMS(root-mean-square)ofthe signal.Typicallybasssignalshaveahighcrestfactorof10-15dBdependingonplayingstyle(fig. 1). Forreference,a3dBchangeequals...
RDi,t equals 1 if R & D intensity is above the median and 0 otherwise. RDHcashi,t is the interaction between RD and Hcash, which equals 1 if Cash, cash, and cash equivalents divided by total assets is above the median. RDHcashbioi,t represents the interaction between RDHcash and BIO...