They said they will open a case and get back to me, so next day I got a mail from samsung with confirmation that money will be released within 3-5 days so like approx within that time I saw klarna had paid me back the money foxway owed me. But I was lucky with this...
aProvider may setoff any amounts owed by recipient to provider hereunder against any amounts owed by provider to recipient under any other agreement or arrangement. 提供者在此之下可以扣除所有欠债量由接收者对提供者反对任何欠债量由提供者对接收者根据其他协议或安排。[translate]...
The total amount owed to Robert by his customers at 30 November 20X7 was $78,600. His allowance for receivables at 1 December 20X6 was $1,200. On 30 November 20X7,Robert determined that a balance of $600 should be written off as irrecoverable.This amount has not been included in the...
grow, the total amount of interest payments owed by the Group will vary in line with any fluctuations in the loan interest rates [...] 由於本集團目前借貸規模不斷增大,國家借貸利率 的波 動 將直接使本集團所承擔的利息總額發生 變 動,進而影響本集團的盈利能力。
In effect, in this case, the secured creditor has only the rightsofanunsecured creditor with respect to the differencebetweentheamountactually owed and the maximum amount specified in the [...]
Diallo as owed to the companies run by him came to over 36 billion United [...] 刚果民主共和国指出,“迪亚洛先生声 称 他领 导的公司对其欠款总额超过 360 亿美 元……相当于刚果民主共和国外债总额的近 3倍”。 Under SLAS, legal aid covers, ...
Termination Amount has the meaning set forth in Section 7.02(a). Qualifying year means the calendar year to which the qualifying certificate applies. Qualifying Debt means amount due, which includes interest or any other sum due in respect of the amounts owed under any contract, by the debtor...
The remaining amount owed TXU for the Assets purchased pursuant to Section 3.13 shall be credited against theDeducted Amountsfor January 2005. More Definitions ofDeducted Amounts Deducted Amountsshall havethe meaningsset forthon Schedule2.6.
我们分开了 I at that time only then 24 years old, he have spent very many medical expenses in the hospital, therefore I have owed the friend 150,000 Yuan medical expenses, because he lived already cannot own look after oneself, my parents and his parents had considered later decided we ...
What is the term for the amounts owed to suppliers for goods and services purchased? 1. What are sales discounts and are they necessary? 2. Would this account be on the financial statement? How to receive a refund from the bureau of worker's compensation in quickbooks? What ar...