Define Chemical amount. Chemical amount synonyms, Chemical amount pronunciation, Chemical amount translation, English dictionary definition of Chemical amount. n a measure of the number of entities present in a substance, expressed in moles Collins Engli
The velocity of a chemical reaction is defined as the amount of substance in moles, which is either electro-oxidised or electro-reduced within a unit of time. From: Electrochemical Phenomena in the Cathode Impedance Spectrum of PEM Fuel Cells, 2022 ...
Nature PrecedingsWheatley N 2011 A sorites paradox in the conventional definition of amount of substance Metrologia 48 in press, preprint available at A sorites paradox in the conventional definition of amount of substance....
To rise or reach by an accumulation of particular sums or quantities; to come (to) in the aggregate or whole; -- with to or unto. 3. To rise, reach, or extend in effect, substance, or influence; to be equivalent; to come practically (to); as, the testimony amounts to very ...
Definition of Amount in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Amount? Meaning of Amount as a finance term. What does Amount mean in finance?
any amount of(Definition ofamountfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press) amount| American Dictionary amount noun[C] us /əˈmɑʊnt/ thedegreeto which something is a lot or a little; how much something is: She’s made atremendousamount ...
The physical quantity "amount of substance" is measured in the unit "mole" (symbol: mol). In and because of its current definition (via 12 g of ~(12)C) it is closely related to another SI base unit, namely the mass unit kilogram. In principle there is an important difference between...
In this paper, the options for implementing a new definition for the mole based on a fixed value for the Avogadro constant are discussed. They are placed in the context of the macroscopic nature of the quantity amount of substance and the opportunity to introduce a system for molar and ...
Amount and number definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation Amount definition:Amount refers to the quantity of a substance or concept that is perceived as a collective whole or a mass which cannot be counted individually.Amount parts of speech: Amount as a noun: The total amount of rainfal...
“mole” is familiar, but the name of the corresponding quantity “amount of substance” is not so familiar, and the concept is still a source of difficulty for many students. This article reviews and clarifies these two concepts and discusses the definition of the unit “mole” and its ...