Their range of coneerns has also expanded to include AIDS patients, drug addiets and victims of domestie violence. Led by Mother Teresa, the sisters have fed the hungry in Ethiopia, treated radiation victims at Chernobyl and helped families made homeless by an earthquake in America.None of ...
Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
A. S. LagunenkoÉ. M. PazukhinKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersAtomic EnergyBorovoi A.A., Lagunenko A.S., Pazukhin E.M., Estimating the amount of fuel in cellar building 305/2 at Chernobyl unit 4. Atomic Energy 84(4) (1998) 295-299...
The problem is that the data did not differentiate between how people with more or less liquid saving and disposable income spent. For instance, people with lots of liquid wealth reported mostly saving or mostly spending at similar rates to people with little in liquid assets, counter to both ...