goldneutronswater water/analysis for gold by sorption on lead sulfide and neutron activationgold/determination in natural waters by sorption on lead sulfide and neutron activationlead sulfides/sorptive properties for goldPeer revieweddoi:10.1016/S0003-2670(01)82140-1P Schiller...
Aluminium and gold foils were used forneutron fluencemeasurements of both high-energy and ther- mal neutrons. 描述了1种联合使用活化探测器和成像盘技术(IP)探测中子注量的方法。 更多例句>> 补充资料:同量异位素(原子物理学) 同量异位素(原子物理学) ...
Choose one of the following elements (C, H, O, N), and answer questions 1-6 on it: - Atomic Number - Mass Number - Number of electrons in the outer shell - Number of protons - Number of electrons - Number of neutrons What ...