When you work with a mesothelioma law firm, your legal team will request a certain amount of money based on the case value when the claim is first filed. Your lawyer will ask for sufficient compensation to cover your medical expenses and provide financial security for your family. Settlement ...
Contingent Amountmeans anamount of currencythat you are obliged to settle if certainagreed conditionsare met under a Structured Option. Sample 1Sample 2 Contingent Amountmeans any consideration payableto the Shareholdersafter the closingdate ofaSale Transactionasconsideration for Sharesor assets ofthe Com...
The property of the Trust includes certain X-TRAS and all rights of the Trust to receive payments under the Indenture, except as set forth therein with respect to theISDA Amountunder the ISDA Master Agreement (the "Assigned Trust Property"). ...
affecting ― I emphasize not affecting ― the SMW protection to which employees are entitled, the employers may be exempted from keeping records of the totalnumberofhours worked by employees if the wage paid to the employees concerned during any wage period is not less than a certainspecified ...
The release, announcement or distribution of this press release may, in certain jurisdictions, be subject to restrictions. The recipients of this press release in jurisdictions where this press release has been published or distributed shall inform t...
[...] secondary unstable or fluctuant income or receives salary and/or other income which are partially or totally in kind, as well as in other cases when due to certain reasons the charge of the allowance as a share of the salary and/or other income is impossible, the court of law ...
Furthermore, although the cash settlement option exists in the OTC default swap market, it is rarely exercised due to complexities in determining the recovery value of a defaulted obligor's debt. From a practical perspective, OTC default swaps are rarely able to be cash settled in a practical ...
A business is required by law to withhold certain payroll taxes from employee salaries. The account Wages Payable would appear on the income statement. True False Answer true or false: Withholding for federal income taxes places employees on a pay-as-you-go...
The ___ compares the firm's current market value with the amount the current owners paid for it. Economic Value Added: Economic value added is a measure of the profitability of an investment project. It is calculated as an additional return that a project provides ...
ISSUE PRICE: In order to enable the City to comply with certain conditions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), the successful bidder will be required to provide a certificate as to the "issue price" of the Bonds. Each bidder, by submitting its bid, agrees ...