Annals of the New York Academy of SciencesFarnsworth DL. What is the evidence for an amotivational syndrome in cannabis users ? Ann N Y Acad Sci 1976; 282: 1Farnsworth DL. What is the evidence for an amotivational syndrome in cannabis users? Ann NY Acad Sci 1976;282:1....
Whether or not marijuana causes amotivational syndrome is up for debate For those who regularly use marijuana, lack of motivation and other amotivational symptoms have been recognized side effects since the 1960s. In fact, it was originally in a study of long-term cannabis users that the syndro...
Cannabis Amotivational Syndrome and Personality Trait Absorption: A Review and Reconceptualization This article argues that the so-called cannabis "amotivation syndrome," widely reported in the literature, may not be a single nosological entity, but represent, instead, a change in cognitive style emer...
Campbell, I. (1976) The amotivational syndrome and cannabis use with emphasis on the Canadian scene. Annals ofthe New YorkAcademy ofScien- ces, 282, 33-36.Campbell I (1976). The amotivational syndrome and cannabis use with emphasis on the Canadian scene. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 282, 33-36...
The amotivational syndrome and the description of the lifestyle of heavy cannabis drug usersRoman Gabrhelík
The marijuana amotivational syndrome posits that cannabis use fosters apathy through the depletion of motivation-based constructs such as self-efficacy. The current study pursued a two-round design todoi:10.1007/s11121-017-0811-3Lac, Andrew