1️⃣ 错误提示:P1-P3 "An error occurred while attempting to fit the model." 解决方法:为了分析包含缺失观测值的数据,你需要在“Analysis Properties”窗口中明确估计均值和截距。在Amos Graphics中,确保选中“Estimate means and intercepts”选项。如果你正在编程Amos引擎,使用ModelMeansAndIntercepts方法。 2...
An error occurred while attempting to fit the model. 拟合模型时出现一个错误。 The sample moment matrix is not positive definite. It could fail to be positive definite for any of the following reasons: 样本协方差矩阵是非正定矩阵。由于下列原因不能正定。 1.The sample covariance matrix or the sa...
AMOS错误提⽰ An error occurred while attempting to fit the model. 拟合模型时出现⼀个错误。The sample moment matrix is not positive definite. It could fail to be positive definite for any of the following reasons: 样本协⽅差矩阵是⾮正定矩阵。由于下列原因不能正定。1.The sample covariance ...
An error occurred while attempting to fit the model. 拟合模型时出现一个错误。 The sample moment matrix is not positive definite. It could fail to be positive definite for any of the following reasons: 样本协方差矩阵是非正定矩阵。由于下列原因不能正定。 1.The sample covariance matrix or the sa...
An error occurred while attempting to fit the model. 拟合模型时出现一个错误。 The sample moment matrix is not positive definite. It could fail to be positive definite for any of the following reasons: 样本协方差矩阵是非正定矩阵。由于下列原因不能正定。
如图,anerroroccuredwhileattemptingtofitthemodel.thesamplemomentmatrixisnotpositivedefinite.itcouldfailtobepositivedefiniteforanyofthefollowingreasons... 如图,an error occured while attempting to fit the model. the sample moment matrix is not positive definite. it could fail to be positive definite for ...
数据里面有缺失值,可参考:婉转数据分析:干货!AMOS常见的10种错误及解决办法!252 赞同 · 374 评论文章 关注公众号:婉转数据分析工作室,获取更多干货 请问
数据里面有缺失值,可参考:婉转数据分析:干货!AMOS常见的10种错误及解决办法!252 赞同 · 374 评论...
急需AMOS的操作方法~按照操作程序做下来一直提示出错:An error occurred while attempting to fitthe ...
求amos大神。An..求amos大神。An error occurred while attempting to fit the model.There ave no obsetved vaiiables in the m