Amortizationwasexcluded because it measured thecostof intangibleassetsacquiredinsome earlier period, including goodwill, [...] 摊销费用被排除在外,是因为它衡量的是前期获得的无形资产,而不是本期现金开支。 ...
Defensive assets:An acquired an intangible asset that ensures that others may not use it. The value is withheld from the competition over the useful life of this asset. Goodwill:When a business acquires another company, goodwill is the difference between the purchase price and the amount of th...
摘要: Expresses views on whether acquired intangible assets can be amortized for tax purposes. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 as basis for 15-year amortization of intangible; Exceptions to the term intangibles; Impact on merger and acquisition activity....
Intangibles, such as goodwill, copyrights, patents, and covenants not to compete, are also included, but only if they are acquired as part of the business. The buyer of a business has some leeway to either decrease or increase the amount of value attributed to §197 intangibles, depending ...
intangible asset, for example, a patent orCopyright,over its estimated useful life that is considered an expense of doing business and is used to offset the earnings of the asset by its declining value. If an intangible asset has an indefinite life, such as good will, it cannot be ...
Amortizationwasexcluded because it measured the cost of intangible assets acquired in some earlier period, including goodwill, [...] 摊销费用被排除在外,是因为它衡量的是前期获得的无形资产,而不是本期现金开支。 ...
KeyProvisions of FASB 142 S tatement no. 142 applies to the initial recognition of intangible assets either acquired or internally developed (except for intangibles acquired in a business combination, which are covered by Statement no. 141,Business Combinations). The statement also provides companies...
Goodwill is a specific financial term for the inherent value of an acquired company above and beyond the book value of the assets that came with it.You may find some other unique assets that can be amortized, such as taxi licenses or the like, but those will still have specific rules ...
not just during the period in which it's acquired. Amortization and depreciation are two main methods of calculating the value of these assets whether they're company vehicles, goodwill, corporate headquarters, or patents.
Not all IP is amortized over the 15-year period set by the IRS, however. There are certain exclusions, such as software acquired in a transaction that is readily available for purchase by the general public, subject to a nonexclusive license, and has not been substantially modified. In those...